Jenny Finnegan
7th Grade Science
Check out my website for more information! CLICK HERE
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to Hillsdale Middle School! It’s an exciting place full of great opportunities to learn, explore, and play! I have always found science interesting and delight in the beauty of the world around us! I love helping others discover what a cool world we live in!
Ms. Finnegan – finneganj@cajonvalley.net
What is 7th Grade Science?
It is a year long course that teaches that natural processes and human activities cause energy to flow and matter to cycle through Earth systems.
What do I need to bring to class?
- Binder-- this three-ring binder can be shared with other classes. It needs to be organized with dividers, with a section for science only. An alternative could be an accordion folder.
- One composition notebook, at least 70 pages for science only
- A student planner provided by Hillsdale.
- Pencils, highlighters, erasers, and lined paper.
- At home you should also have access to colored pencils, markers, or crayons, scissors and glue for projects.
What do I do when I am absent?
Classwork, notes, quizzes, tests, and project assessments that are missed due to an illness or other excused absence must be made up within the amount of time you were absent. Missed in-class activities and labs are excused, but students are responsible to review the missed material.
On your first day back be sure to check the weekly work board and the absent folders for handouts and assignments. If you have questions about the material ask Ms. Finnegan after class. I suggest that you get the name and number of two “Study Buddies” in the class that you can talk to for clarification.
How will I be graded?
- 45% Assessments (Tests, Projects, & Quizzes)
- 55% Classwork/Homework & Labs
A= 100%-89.5% B=89.4%-79.5 C=79.4%-69.5% D=69.4%-59.5% F=59.4% and below
How can Parents/Guardians keep track of their students?
Look at Zangle and your student's planner! Keep track of your students' assigned work on Google Classroom and their grades on Q (Parent Connect or Student Portal). Students write their week’s worth of work into their school appointed planner every Monday. This makes planning ahead very easy. Grades are inputted and reviewed approximately every two weeks.
Classroom Animals and Plants
This science classroom may have plants and animals. All are not poisonous or venomous. All students need to wash their hands after handling them. If you would prefer your student to NOT handle the animals, please email me.
What are the classroom rules?
- Respect each other and our classroom environment, clean up after yourself, no food or drink in the classroom without teacher permission (water only).
- Be careful with classroom materials and equipment. Do not lean back in chairs. Unsafe behavior during labs will result in an “F” on that lab assignment, exclusion from future lab activities and possible detention or referral.
- Be on time for class, and be prepared to work, to learn, and to participate. You must be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy.
- Hats and hoods must be removed before entering the classroom.
- Cell phones and other hand held electronics (other than calculators) must be turned off and tucked away in your backpack or purse.
- Gum chewing as well as any airborne objects may result in immediate detention!