School Policies and Procedures

  • Attendance is a Must

    Attendance and achievement are linked. It is important to be in classes each school day, and participate, to get the most out of school.

    Independent Study Contracts are available if a student must miss five or more school days. Please contact the office one week prior to leaving to set up the study contract.

    Students should arrive on campus no sooner than 8:35 am. and should plan on going home by 4:00 p.m. These are the times during which teachers are on duty and students are supervised. Students must be in supervised areas. If students must arrive before 8:35 a.m., or stay later than 4:00 p.m. they should sign up for the before and/or after school program – paperwork for these options can be found in the main office.

    Selected School Rules You Should Know

    Cell phones need to be turned off and out of sight in backpacks. They can be used only after school. Inappropriate use will lead to confiscation.

    Only supplies needed for school should be brought on campus (headphones and ear buds, CD players, Walkmans, iPods and similar devices, pagers, laser pointers, cameras or other electronic devices are not allowed on campus).

    For more detailed information on our School Rules see the Student Planner. You may access a pdf document of it in the Student or Parent Menu at the top of this page.

    Dress for Success Dress Code

    Appropriate school attire enables students to focus on academics, therefore it is inappropriate to wear anything that distracts from or disrupts the learning environment or educational process. The full dress code guidelines can be found by clicking on the Misc Documents Menu at the top of this site. Dress code provisions apply to all regular school activities, per District School Board Policy.

    For more detailed information on our School Dress Code see the Student Planner.